Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Garbh Sanskar:Food To Eat During Pregnancy

Foods To Eat During Pregnancy:

“Let food by thy medicine and medicine thy food”
This millennia old saying from the father of medicine himself – Hippocrates – shows that even in the ancient times, when old wise men gathered in the temples to discuss the ways of the world, they had evidence that food can heal.

So without further ado, if you are pregnant one or foods should be featuring in your pregnancy diet and on your breakfast, lunch or dinner plate each day!Pregnancy diet should not only be followed when you are pregnant but also while you are trying to conceive.Everything you eat affects your entire body – from your blood to your hormones and your body tissues.

Maintaining a healthy pregnancy diet is very important, not just for you but for your baby. Unlike the popular myth, baby doesn’t just take what it needs from mom. The nutrients in your bloodstream are most available to your baby.

Getting pregnant can be a challenge. Once pregnant your body undergoes many changes during pregnancy.When you are pregnant, it is especially important to avoid consuming toxins in your diet. For that reason, we recommend that you only eat organic food. You should also avoid all processed and packaged foods as they contain unhealthy chemicals.Yes, that means that you really need to prepare your own food while you are pregnant to be sure you are getting the best possible nutrition with no harmful chemicals.

The Pregnancy Diet divides all the baby-friendliest foods into 12 easy groups. Just eat the recommended number of portions from each group, or thereabouts, and you’re done for the day. Actually, if you choose foods that fill two or more groups in the same serving (for example, yogurt fills protein and calcium), you’ll be done even faster. Don’t stress. Just do your best (and during those queasy months, your best may be…not much), and your baby will benefit.

You will need an additional 200 to 300 extra calories from nutrient-dense foods compared with how you ate prior to your pregnancy. It will be important to carefully consider the foods you consume during your pregnancy. This is a time to eat more foods that are nutrient-dense, and fewer sweets and treats. Use these guidelines to choose a healthy diet:


Eating a variety of foods, from fruits and vegetables to grains and protein sources, is imperative while you are pregnant. You need a mix of foods to make sure you get the nutrients you need.
Calories: 300 extra each day. you can continue to eat your normal daily amount of calories during the first trimester. During the second and third trimesters, you should aim to add about 300 calories a day. Those extra 300 calories can come from an extra glass of milk or soy milk, another piece of fruit and an extra serving of beans or tofu each day.So you were planning to take everything you normally eat and double it, now that you’re eating for two? Not the best plan. Because your baby is only a fraction of your size (just pea-sized, in fact, early on), you’ll need to add an average of only 300 calories a day to your prepregnancy calorie intake. Have no idea how many calories you eat and not keen on counting them? No need to. Just keep your eye on the scale — if it’s moving up at the recommended rate, your calories are right on target. Exceptions to the 300-calorie formula? If you’re carrying twins, are very active, or were significantly underweight prepregnancy, you’ll probably need more calories. If you were seriously overweight before becoming pregnant, you might be able to get along on fewer calories. Check  your recommendations with us.
Protein: 3 servings daily. Protein’s amino acids (the building blocks of human cells) are essential to growing a healthy baby. Aim for three servings of protein daily (which adds up to about 75 g). Need some help figuring out which protein-rich foods to eat during pregnancy? Choose from these:
  • Milk, cheese, and yogurt (which do double duty as calcium foods)
  • Whole-grain breads and cereal
  • Protein-rich grains like 
  • Soy, beans, and nuts
Calcium: 4 servings daily. Got milk? You should, or include four servings of other calcium-rich foods into your diet each day. Calcium is a nutrient needed in the body to build strong teeth and bones. Calcium also allows blood to clot normally, muscles and nerves to function properly, and the heart to beat normally. Most of the calcium in your body is found inside your bones. That’s because calcium is good for your baby (it’s essential for, among other things, those developing bones) and good for you (it’ll help your bones stay strong, warding off osteoporosis later on).Your growing baby needs a considerable amount of calcium to develop. If you do not consume enough calcium to sustain the needs of your developing baby, your body will take calcium from your bones, decreasing your bone mass and putting you at risk for osteoporosis.Osteoporosis initiates dramatic thinning of the bone, resulting in weak, brittle bones that can easily be broken.
Pregnancy is a critical time for a woman to consume more calcium. Even if no problems develop during pregnancy, an inadequate supply of calcium at this time can diminish bone strength and increase your risk for osteoporosis.
Here are some calcium-rich foods to eat during pregnancy.
  • Milk
  • Some soy products
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt,milk and, yes, even ice cream (just keep in mind your calorie count)
  • Broccoli                                                        
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
Vitamin C: 3 servings daily. Because the body doesn’t store vitamin C, you’ll need a fresh supply each day to help boost your baby’s growth and development (and keep your immune system functioning at its best). Happily, most vitamin C foods are crowd pleasers (even for the queasy crowd). Fit a variety into your pregnancy diet:
  • Fruits such as orange, kiwi, mango, berries, melon, grapefruit, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, and grapes
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and spinach
  • Foods high in Vitamin C include orange juice, grapefruit juice, green peppers, broccoli, melon, strawberries, and cabbage.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables, Yellow Vegetables, and Yellow Fruits: 3 to 4 servings daily. They’re rich in vitamin E, B6, riboflavin, folic acid, magnesium, beta-carotene (the phenom phytochemical that’s vital to your baby’s skin, bones, eyes, and cell growth), and a host of other essential minerals. Color is a clue to nutritional superstar status, so look for bright, deep hues (which in fruit you’ll often find under a rind):

    • Vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots, red bell pepper.
    • Fruits such as mango, apricots, peaches, and cantaloupe
    Other Fruits and Vegetables: 1 to 2 servings daily. These may not make the A or C list, but they have plenty to offer you and your developing baby, from vitamins and minerals to antioxidants and fiber:
    • Fruits such as apples, bananas, blueberries, cherries, pears, plums, and avocado
    • Vegetables such as green beans, beets,corn, cucumber, mushrooms, and parsnips
    Whole Grains and Legumes: at least 6 servings daily. Has a lifetime of dieting turned you carb-phobic? It’s time to fight your fears. The right kinds of carbs (the complex kind) are actually the best thing since sliced bread (sliced whole-wheat bread, that is), especially for expectant moms and their growing babies. Good for you, because they combat nausea, constipation, and the low-blood-sugar crashes that lead to headaches, fatigue, and mood swings. Good for baby, since they contain a variety of essential nutrients (from folic acid to zinc to iron). Choose among the many good carbs:
    Whole-grain breads, cereals, rice, and pastas (check the label to see if a product is made with whole grain — it’ll say so: whole wheat, whole oat, whole rye, whole barley, whole-grain corn, and so on)
    Iron-Rich Foods: some daily. Your body is working overtime to generate enough blood cells to make a baby, which means you need to pump iron big time. No need to eat your spinach (unless you’d like to), because there are plenty of other iron-rich foods to include in your pregnancy diet:
    • Soy products (such as soy beans and tofu)
    • Leafy greens, including spinach (of course)
    • Dried fruit
    Fats: approximately 4 servings daily (depending on your weight gain). Fat (the right kind, that is, in the right amount) is your friend and your baby’s friend when you’re expecting. In fact, some fats are essential (that’s why they’re called essential fatty acids). You need them to better metabolize nutrients; your baby needs them for proper brain growth and eye development. Focus on healthy fats: Having trouble putting on enough kgs? Add some more healthy fats to your pregnancy diet. Putting on too many kgs too fast? Cut back some (no more than 30 percent of your calories should come from fat) — but don’t cut them out altogether.
    Healthy fats and oils are essential for your body to absorb key fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K. They also make your skin more stretchable, preventing stretch marks and preventing tearing during delivery.
    Because fat will contain a higher toxin load than proteins and vegetables, it is essential to consume only organic sources of fat as part of your healthy pregnancy diet.
    Salty Foods: in moderation. The good news for salt lovers: Salt doesn’t have to be off-limits during pregnancy. The bad news for salt lovers: Eating large amounts of salty foods during pregnancy isn’t a healthy move, either. A certain amount of sodium is needed to allow for pregnancy’s higher fluid volume, but too much salt in some women can lead to complications (such as high blood pressure) — not to mention excessive swelling. Salt to taste at the table, but limit your intake of foods infamously loaded with sodium (fries with your salt?).
    Fluids: at least eight 8-ounce glasses daily. Here’s a pregnancy factoid that may have you turning to your tap: Up to a third of your total weight gain can be chalked up to fluids. With fast increasing fluid levels, you’ll have to drink up to keep up. On the plus side of hydration for you: Extra fluid during pregnancy helps rid your body of toxins and waste products, keeps constipation and (paradoxically) swelling in check, reduces the risk of urinary-tract infections, and keeps your skin baby soft. And you’re not the only one in need of a daily fluid infusion: Some of that fluid flows to your fetus, delivering nutrients for building body cells and allowing your baby-to-be to excrete wastes (yes, your baby pees). So aim for eight cups of fluid a day (more if it’s hot outside, you’re exercising, or you’re losing fluids through vomiting); include in your count such fluids as milk, fruit and vegetable juices, soups, coffee or tea.
    Prenatal Vitamin: 1 daily. While there’s no substitute for a well-balanced pregnancy diet, sometimes life (especially pregnancy life) gets in the way of healthy eating. And that’s where a prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement comes in.Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated multivitamins that mothers-to-be are advised to take for their own health as well as for the health of their babies. These vitamins make up for any nutritional deficiencies in your diet during your pregnancy. While the supplements contain numerous vitamins and minerals, their folic acid, iron, and calcium content are especially important. And the proof is in the research: Moms-to-be who take prenatal vitamins before and during pregnancy may be less likely to deliver prematurely and they dramatically lower their risks of having babies with neural-tube defects, among many other major benefits. Check with your doctors/practitioner for a recommendation.
    Taking folic acid can reduce your risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect of the brain and spinal cord, called the "neural tube." A baby with spina bifida, the most common neural tube defect, is born with a spine that is not completely developed. The exposed nerves are damaged, leaving the child with varying degrees of paralysis, incontinence, and sometimes mental retardation. Neural tube defects develop in the first 28 days after conception. Because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned.
    There are natural sources of folic acid: green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, and citrus fruits. It's also found in many fortified breakfast cereals and some vitamin supplements.

    Increasing Iron in Your Diet During Pregnancy:

    Iron is a mineral that makes up an important part of hemoglobin, the substance in blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron also carries oxygen in muscles, helping them function properly. In addition, iron helps increase your resistance to stress and disease.
    The body absorbs iron more efficiently during pregnancy. Therefore it is important to consume more iron while you are pregnant to ensure that you and your baby are getting enough oxygen. Iron will also help you avoid symptoms of tiredness, weakness, irritability, and depression.
    The best sources of iron include enriched grain products,enriched rice and pasta,leafy green vegetables,fruits like:all berries,apricots,dried fruits,grapes,grapefruit,oranges,plums,watermelon.Breads and cereals,Black-eyed peas,Broccoli,Spinach

    Disclaimer: The information included in this section should not be treated as a substitute for medical treatment. Please see your doctor if you have serious medical conditions and need treatment.

    Dr Unnati Chavda

    Garbh Sanskar:What To Eat During Pregnancy

    What To Eat During Early Pregnancy?

    Pregnant women need to stay alert especially when it comes to their diet because things can get complicated if they don’t know how to maintain their diet. The first trimester is really important for the development of the baby inside the womb and therefore pregnant mothers have to make sure that they eat the right food that can help baby grow in the right way.

    Pregnancy is the most important and delicate period in a woman’s life and therefore she must make sure that she gets the right diet that can keep her and her baby safe throughout the nine months. This is why doctors pay special attention to the diet because they would like to make sure that the development of the pregnant mother and the baby is not compromised at any stage. Hence, pregnant mothers should strictly follow pregnancy diet week by week to ensure that everything is alright.

    Dehydration during the early pregnancy period can create lot of complications later on and therefore pregnant women should ensure that they are drinking enough water that can keep them hydrated within. Drinking plenty of water in the early pregnancy period will make sure that pregnant women have enough amniotic fluid which will help the baby to stay well inside the uterus and provide enough cushioning that is required in the later stages of pregnancy. You should always ensure that you eat fruits and vegetables that can provide you with more water content. Pregnant women should understand that the first few months of pregnancy is the most important stage in the entire pregnancy phase because the baby is being developed. Hence, avoid eating too much of chocolates that can have caffeine which can dehydrate your body.

    If you are in the early phase of pregnancy you should focus on switching to healthy foods like protein, calcium, iron, and folic acid. There are many fruits and vegetables that are loaded with such items and therefore you should switch to such food items. High protein food is good because it leads to development of tissues and cells of the baby. This means that you can focus more on green vegetables.

    You can even switch to fruits like oranges and grapefruits that can nourish your body with Vitamin C. On the other hand, you should also focus on having food items like cheese, yoghurt and other milk products that can supply calcium for the development of bones of the baby. However, do not focus only on calcium all the time as that can lead to osteoporosis. Add some fiber to your diet with oatmeal, whole wheat bread and other green vegetables so that you can provide overall nutrients to your baby and your body as well.

    We all know that what we eat is what we are. Well, during pregnancy what you eat is what your baby will look like so you need to focus on how you eat when you are pregnant. Although, many women are not so conscious about their eating habits but your diet and food habits can really make an impression on your unborn child.

    In the first 12 weeks, nausea is the most common thing that you might experience and that happens to all pregnant women all over the world. You might feel morning sickness and that might ruin your appetite as well. However, you must eat for the development of your body and the baby inside you. So, you start that by eating smaller meals during the day. Switch to comfort foods like oatmeal and soups that you enjoy. You can switch to various breathing exercises that can stop your nausea. You can even cook your meals in advance so that you can heat them up and eat it when you are not feeling well.

    In the next 12 weeks your baby will be growing inside you and your mind will be getting used to the pregnancy feeling. This is the time when your body begins to crave for more food. However, that does not mean you gulp down all the snacks and meals that you can get your hands on. Keep control on your cravings and eat smaller meals during the day. Switch to healthy meals rather than going for junk food that won’t do you any good, nor to the development of your baby. Use fresh vegetables and fruits to keep your cravings under control and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. You can go for food products that have proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins that you can pass on to your baby.

    In the coming 12 weeks you might feel tiredness and fatigue which is why rest should be your prime concern. Prepare food in advance since you might feel difficult to walk and handle your kitchen activities. Go for smaller meals during the day, at least six times a day and eat foods that have high protein. Make sure you handle your cravings and keep off the junk food. Plenty of water instead of soft drinks will nourish your body and your child to be safe during the delivery period.

    During the first twelve weeks of the pregnancy, pregnant mothers are least bothered about the development of the baby because they are not very sure about what they should eat and when and how.Now, you will feel your body changing and the development of the baby inside the womb demands more food for the mother. However, you need to remember that during this phase most of the development of the baby takes place and therefore a good healthy diet is the call of the day.

    Hence, pregnant mothers should consume 300 calories extra per day over their regular diet. You can go for green vegetables like broccoli, green peas, cabbage, cauliflowers, spinach,  and many more along with coconut water and vegetable soups.. Fruits and even lemon will do since they have Vitamin C that can absorb more iron and calcium that is required for the development of the baby. You can even go for milk products and dry fruits that can provide extra nutrition to the baby.

    Garbh Sanskar:Healthy Diet

    Diet During Pregnancy: Healthy Diet
    Pregnancy can be a joyful—but stressful—time. Look no further for everything you need to know about your changing body, your growing baby, and even what to expect during labor.
    When you are pregnant you must always remember that what you eat make affect your unborn child and therefore having a balance diet is the need of the hour. Many pregnant women are not so focused on what they should eat and drink and they usually carry on with their regular lifestyle but that would only lead to more complications that can affect the health and mental status of the baby as well as the health of the pregnant mother. Hence, pregnant women should always look out for more information on balance diet for pregnant woman so that they can always keep themselves and their baby in good condition.
    It does not matter much when you are not too concerned about your health when you are not pregnant, but once you have conceived a child you must make sure that you focus on your health and diet because you will need more calories that will be consumed for the development of the baby. Hence, once you are pregnant you must improve the calories that you normally take while having your food.
    When you're pregnant, you're no longer responsible for just one person but two. The little one growing inside you depends on you for nutrition and a safe resting place for the next nine months. So the lifestyle choices you make during pregnancy will not only affect your health, but also your baby's. Prenatal care is essential to the health of you and your baby. Throughout your pregnancy, be sure to have regular appointments with your doctor. These visits will allow your doctor to keep a close eye on your health as well as the baby and his/her development. Although pregnancy and childbirth are a natural part of life, problems and complications can happen so it's important to get prenatal care as soon as you know you are pregnant.Prenatal care is more than a doctor's visit. You can also get access to education on the process of pregnancy and childbirth, counselling services and support that you may need. Also use these visits to talk with your doctor about your birth plan.
    In addition to access to medical care, these prenatal visits give you a forum to ask questions and advice about the change that your body will be going through as your baby grows. You will also be able to gather important information about healthy diet and nutrition as well what to eat or not.

    To increase your chance of carrying a healthy baby to term, remember to get extra rest, eat healthier foods, and maintain some kind of exercise routine. Not only will these habits make you feel better, it gives you a better chance of having a better pregnancy. Don't forget to avoid indulging in bad habits as this may harm your baby, which will put both you and your baby at risk
    Maintaining a well-balanced diet is important during pregnancy. To meet the demands of your growing baby, you have to pay attention to your nutrition and the foods that you consume. As the old saying goes, you are eating for two! Your diet should include a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and fat. These will fuel your body, make you feel better, and nourish your growing baby.
    Though you are "eating for two," be careful not to eat twice your normal amount. You only need to add about 300 extra calories to your regular diet. In addition to eating a balanced diet, you will want to make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. You can easily do this by taking a prenatal vitamin supplement. Consume 200-300 additional calories per day during the second and third trimesters. It is not vital that you have these extra calories during the first trimester, particularly if you are nauseous or have severe morning sickness. 300 calories does not amount to much, and certainly does not equate to eating for two! You can gain the extra calories from a snack, which may include extra glass of orange juice or milk and handful of nuts. With adequate supplies of vitamins and nutrients to ensure that you are meeting your nutritional requirements during pregnancy.
    Eat an adequate amount of protein. Protein rich foods include beans and other products. You should be trying to eat at least three servings a day. Adequate protein consumption will not only ensure that you have a strong reserve of energy for the day, it will also help your baby's tissues develop.Eat calcium rich foods at least three times per day. Calcium can be found in many foods including dairy products. Calcium is critical particularly during the third trimester when your baby's bones are developing.
    Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods. During your pregnancy it is best that you eat as many foods as possible in their natural state. This includes whole grains, dark leafy vegetables,  and other products that don't have added sugar and other chemicals which may be harmful to your developing baby.
    Even though you are eating for two now, you can't just consume everything you used to. There are some precautions you have to take to ensure the safety of your unborn baby. Certain foods may be perfectly fine for you but may damage the sensitive system of your little one.It's important to learn which foods are safe to eat and which ones you should avoid. By doing this, you are providing the best possible environment for your baby to grow and develop. You have to get extra care while eating food.
    In this situation GARBH SANSKAR helps you to get proper diet which may not infected your growing baby and how to get away from serious disabilities later in life.
    Check out our diet to help you understand about pregnancy nutrition, when visit for understanding GARBH SANSKAR  at our hospital.
    Pregnancy also brings on food cravings in some women. Most often, giving into your cravings isn't harmful. It only causes problems when you eat too much of one thing and abandon the rest of your diet. As you become more pregnant, your body changes to adjust to your growing baby. As a result, some women can suffer from body-image issues. Be sure to consult us or get counselling to help you deal with these issues. Pregnancy is not a time to diet or worry about losing weight.

    Losing weight during pregnancy can be detrimental to the health and safety of your baby, because it deprives him or her of the proper vitamins and nutrients required for normal fetal development. If you're worried about your weight, just keep in mind that you will lose weight after your baby is born.

    To ensure that you have an easy labor and delivery, you will want to gain for the recommended weight gain fro your pre-pregnancy size. You can easily keep in this weight limit by eating a healthy and balanced diet.
    Take the mystery out of healthy eating and learn what it takes to ensure the health and well being of your unborn child! We will guide you healthy eating food habits during your pregnancy that offers tips for eating well during pregnancy.You can eat healthy and nutritiously during your pregnancy if you follow a healthy pregnancy diet as suggested by us.Eating well can be a challenge, given the tremendous cravings you might be having mingled with morning sickness you might be feeling, particularly during the first trimester. However it is vital that you do everything possible to ensure your baby's health and well being, and that includes eating a healthy diet.
    Eating Well During Each Month of Pregnancy:
    As your belly expands you may find it easier to eat several “mini-meals” during the day instead of three large meals. This will improve your digestion and also prevent excessive heartburn.
    Consider breaking your three meals into six smaller meals per day. Also stock your refrigerator with lots of healthy and nutritious snacks, so you are less tempted to grab for something that is full of sugar and empty calories in a moment of hunger. Healthy eating is also as important as fitness and exercise during pregnancy. If given the opportunity, you should engage in some sort of light physical activity as well during your pregnancy(we will explain you some light physical activities and exercise during your visit) , which will not only improve your mood but prepare your body for labor.

    When combined with a healthy pregnancy diet, adequate fitness and exercise will help you feel and look your best throughout your pregnancy!
    Pregnancy nutrition is easy when you are armed with the knowledge and power necessary to make smart choices!

    Remember that everything you put into your mouth goes into the mouth of your little one. Thus, it is vital you do everything in your power to ensure that you get adequate nutrition during pregnancy!
    Iron and folic acid is really essential for pregnant mothers and therefore they need something that can help them stay healthy and active. Iron will also provide extra blood that is required for the placenta. Foods like broccoli, wholemeal bread and spinach is the right thing that you can focus on when you are pregnant.

    Vitamins & Minerals
    In addition to eating healthy food, many women should take prenatal vitamins to make sure that they get enough nutrition in their diet. Certain vitamins are very important for your baby's growth - such as folic acid, iron, and calcium.

    Both iron and folic acid aid your body in making the extra blood your body needs to keep you and your baby healthy. Folic acid is probably one of the most important nutrients you need during pregnancy. It reduces your baby's risk of neural tube defects - birth defects that happen due to incomplete development of the spine - and it decreases your chances for vascular problems, like heart disease.
    For more information on the Have a Healthy Baby program or to schedule.
    Dr Unnati Chavda

    Sunday, April 28, 2013

    Garbh Sanskar:Planning For Baby

    You think a lot about pregnancy; about what you are missing, how things will be different around here with a new baby, and what you can’t wait to experience again. There are some moments in life you just won’t ever forget — some good and some bad. When it comes to pregnancy, there are many memorable moments you will always remember.
    Planning For Baby:
    Sure, it makes logical sense to prepare your life for a new baby.And your powerful attention to a list of domestic tasks may mean good things ahead for you and your baby.Think of pregnancy is a period during which your brain and body are busy priming themselves for new challenges. Research tells us that a woman’s chemistry, and even brain structure, change when she has a baby to help her attend to and bond with her new born.
    Keep talking to your partner. Your relationship is going to be so much stronger after this – so stay close.
    Pregnancy and motherhood is an exciting and worrying time. There are limitations on what you can eat, how you can exercise and your racing hormones can play havoc with your body. In this section you can find advice on everything from conception to factsheets on all aspects of baby care and toddlers.
    Planning for pregnancy contains all the pre-pregnancy information needed to get ready to conceive. It explores the physical and emotional considerations, health, nutrition, and lifestyle changes needed to prepare you for conception.
    When people plan to have a child (or find out about a new pregnancy), it is not unusual for them to develop a renewed motivation to want to look after their bodies better. In this way, physical preparations for pregnancy usually entail considering a few choices concerning your lifestyle. These can include having a healthy, nutritious diet, trying to keep up some regular physical activity, looking at how you manage your stress.
    If both potential parents decide to make positive lifestyle changes before the pregnancy, they will generally improve their chances of a healthy conception, sooner. If the woman continues her healthy lifestyle during the pregnancy, she will assist her body to nurture her new baby, especially during those vulnerable first few weeks of the baby's rapid growth and development (even before the pregnancy test shows 'positive'). Continuing lifestyle changes while breastfeeding will protect your baby from many unwanted substances being passed to them through your breast milk.
    While reading about these lifestyle changes, bear in mind that we do not live in a perfect world, and up to 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. Therefore, remind yourself that there are many factors that can influence the conception of a baby, and the normal course of a pregnancy. The recommendations for most lifestyle changes are based on the fact that they are usually aspects of our lives that we have some control over, and can make conscious decisions to avoid. In reality, even with all the research at our fingertips, we still do not know everything about the causes of infertility, miscarriage and health disorders for unborn babies.
    The journey of life is one that starts well before birth and entails an amazing, intricate process of fertilisation, growth and development within the life-giving environment of a woman's womb (or uterus). By the time your baby is born, they will have already experienced around 9 months of life. Beginning as 2 cells merging (an ovum and sperm), their genetic programming instructs each cell to multiply, divide and differentiate into the various muscles, bones and organs of a male or female human body. It takes around 266 days (or 38 weeks) for a baby to develop to a stage where they can live independently from their mother. A breath taking process!
    Dr Unnati Chavda

    Saturday, April 27, 2013

    Garbh Sanskar:Stress Effects On Unborn Baby

    "The purest thing in the world is the heart of a mother. ... It can move the universe. It can cause an effect beyond limitation." -
    Give your baby good health for the future: Garbh Sanskar is the best process in ayurveda to give birth of healthy and intelligent child.We undertake process of GARBH SANSKAR.Pl feel free to take advantages of it.

    Stress During Pregnancy May Weaken Baby’s Immune System: New Study

    Benefits of yoga during pregnancy. Nurture Your Pregnancy, because healthy mothers give birth to healthy babies.
    Are you pregnant but want to keep fit? Then yoga could be what you are looking for. Advocates claim it boosts mind and body, helping to keep your pregnancy hassle-free. So what can yoga do for you?
    Yoga is also beneficial because it helps you learn to breathe deeply and relax, which will come in handy as you face the physical demands of labor, birth, and motherhood. In fact, one of the first things you learn in a yoga is how to breathe fully. The breathing technique known as ujjayi requires you to take in air slowly through your nose, filling your lungs, and exhale completely until your stomach compresses.
    Yoga can help women get through their pregnancy with minimal discomfort. It also helps the birth and post-delivery stages. Yoga helps to prepare for the birth - it encourages breath and body awareness, reduces worry and teaches women to adapt to new situations.'
    Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise at anytime in life, but especially so during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a very special and unique time, and yoga helps create the space to integrate and adapt to that uniquness and gradually adjust priorities and lifestyle. In practicing yoga we become stronger, more flexible, and take an important step towards nurturing ourselves and living conscously.
    Yoga is a great way to prepare your body for labor and delivery, and it is done in a way that is safe for your developing child. Because there are some precautions that should be followed, it is important that you talk with your doctor and yoga teacher before your start during pregnancy. All One Yoga offers prenatal yoga which addresses the specific needs of pregnant woman.
    • Increase the flexibility of your muscles & makes you stronger, which could be useful during labour.You’ll need that strength in your lower body to carry the added pregnancy weight and compensate for changes in balance.And you’ll need it in your upper body to handle the weight you’ll be carrying around for the year or so after birth… your baby!
    • Improve your blood circulation, which will help to reduce pregnancy related backaches and leg cramps
    • Increase your capacity to bear pain during pregnancy and labour
    • Help in keeping your weight in check
    • Calm and relax you. The pranayama and breathing techniques employed in yoga are particularly relaxing.
    • Gentle stretching often relieves many of the common discomforts of pregnancy.while specific asanas (postures) help moms prepare for labor and birth.
    • Yoga  also offer moms a chance to connect with their bodies, with their unborn babies.
    • The sentisivity developed in yoga helps moms become attuned to the messages of their own bodies during labor, and to the needs of the baby after birth.
    • Along with physical flexibility, moms also can cultivate mental flexibility, giving themselves the tools to work with the unpredictable process of labor and coming motherhood.
    • Calms the mind through restoring mental agility.
    • Revives attention and willingness.
    • Increases metabolism and overall energy.
    • Back pain is a common pregnancy complaint, often worsening as the weight of the uterus (and the baby in it) increases. Prenatal yoga strengthens the muscles that support this weight, taking pressure off the lower back.Posture is also improved by yoga.
    • Breathing exercises can be incredibly helpful during pregnancy for calming and centering purposes, and to maximize oxygen flow when you need it.Breath control is an invaluable asset for pain management in labor and birth,but as your pregnancy progresses, your practice can be tailored to focus more directly on birth preparation.
    • The attention to breathing, the calm atmosphere and music, and the stretching and relaxation can really help turn down the noise in your head. Yoga is about being in the moment and letting everything else fall away for the time being. That break from the bustle can help with anxiety about health, birth, or anything else there is to do or worry about.
    “ Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are”
    Blessings to you on your journey!
    Dr Unnati Chavda

    Friday, April 26, 2013

    Garbh Sanskar:Emotional Thoughts Influence Unborn Baby

    Emotions and thoughts really influence unborn baby?
    Traditionally, staying happy and doing things that keep you peaceful and fulfilled were believed to influence your unborn baby in a positive way.Such positive experiences are believed to help shape your baby's earliest impressions in a constructive manner, hopefully making him a well-balanced and happy person. It is also becoming more and more apparent that an unborn baby is able to respond to outside influences such as sound, light and movement.
    To help a mother remain in the best possible frame of mind in the interest of her growing baby, Garbha sanskar suggests a set of practices and way of life. This includes reading or seeing things that make you happy, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities like pujas, meditating and eating healthily. Garbha sanskar is all about keeping yourself in a good state emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually for the sake of your growing baby.
    • listening to music
    • thinking positive
    • eating healthily
    • yoga
    • meditation and prayer
    • being creative
    • communicating with your unborn child
    Your unborn baby can hear and respond to sounds from the seventh month onwards. So if you're listening to music, it's likely that she will be able to hear it too. Some experts believe that listening to music will stimulate your baby's brain development as well as develop her sense of hearing. You could listen to the soothing tunes of instruments like the sitar or the violin. You could also chant pregnancy shlokas or sing songs to your baby. A good place to start is to hear  pregnancy shlokas rendered in traditional ragas that create soothing music for expectant mothers. Listening to music can be an excellent stress buster for you.
    So even though you might want to keep happy and stress free throughout, you are likely to have ups and downs. You can help yourself be happy by thinking of the things you like doing. And during pregnancy, raging hormones can make you more emotional than usual.Even reading books or seeing a good movie can do the trick. According to Garbh sanskar, it is believed that reading educative books during pregnancy will educate the child in a womb.
    So  pregnant women have been encouraged to read mythological stories and scriptures, so that good moral values would reach their babies. You could also read bookes like cooking, self-help, romance, nursery rhymes or fairy tales, read something that makes you feel happy. A spiritual chants can also lift your spirits.
    You just simply remember good moments in your life, or go on a holiday. Or perhaps, you could put up photographs of your loved ones, around you. If you are facing tougher time in your life, try to cope through this periods of stress. Also read about whether your baby can be affected by your stress or distress.
    Eating right food is good during pregnancy?
    Eating right is probably the thing that will affect your baby most directly. Garbha sanskar recommends a sattvik diet or a pure diet during pregnancy.This means eating only freshly-made meals using fresh vegetables. A sattvik dish is one which contains vital nutrients in balanced proportions. A sattvik diet also means avoiding food that is spicy, fermented and which contains preservatives. It is believed that such a diet will keep you and your baby healthy and pure. 
    For more information
    Dr Unnati Chavda

    Garbh Sanskar:Understand Garbh Sanskar

    Understand Garbh Sanskar step by step and in depth…
    Its process to be understood a well planned pregnancy. It’s a process of life before child birth. Simply, it s a quality of your SANSAKR in your baby which is still not arrived in this world.
    The woman carries the baby in her womb for next nine months. And its important how baby’s journey through these nine months. It’s not easy for her to carry out journey through all these months. Support and intense care required from life partner and family members as well. The more responsibility lied on mother then father.
    You just can not imagine that when a baby born with blind, deaf or with any other physical or mental defects. Would you survive with all these defects? No, and what’s about the life of a baby? Who will take care or stood by your baby for whole life?
    This is where Garbh Sanskar’s importance got starts. Garbh Sanskar is absolutely essential.
    Discovering that you are about to have a baby is often one of the most joyous times of a woman’s life. It can also be the most nerve racking. You are now responsible for the healthy development of another human life and everything you eat, breathe, and come into contact with for the next nine months can impact that growth and development. Being pregnant is weighty enough as it is without scaring moms to be and throwing a bunch of rules around.
    Yet the high incidences of autism, asthma, allergies, cancer, and so many other childhood illnesses and issues require us to give some thought to raising our children green and healthy, even before they are born. They get their start in our bellies. Are we giving them the best possible start we can? It is something we all need to think about because our choices impact them greatly and also the planet. Here are a few ways to keep it green during pregnancy:
    Prenatal Vitamins, organic foods, fresh & nutrient dense foods, clean water, healthy nesting, clean indoor air, healthy body care and so many nutrient diets are important during pregnancy, as we as we will discuss step by step its importance before and after pregnancy.
    According to Garbha sanskar, your baby is able to sense and respond to outside influences as well as your thoughts and feelings. That is why well-meaning elders in the family, talk about the importance of staying positive and relaxed during pregnancy.
    Garbha sanskar suggests a set of practices and way of life. This includes reading or seeing things that make you happy, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities like pujas, meditating and eating healthily.
    There has been recent scientific interest on the subject, and some evidence suggests that a baby's brain develops up to 60 per cent while in the womb. It is also becoming more and more apparent that an unborn baby is able to respond to outside influences such as sound, light and movement.
    Traditionally, staying happy and doing things that keep you peaceful and fulfilled were believed to influence your unborn baby in a positive way. So if, for example, you watch a funny movie while pregnant, and it makes you happy and cheerful, it is believed that some of that positive emotion passes on to your baby. Such positive experiences are believed to help shape your baby's earliest impressions in a constructive manner, hopefully making him a well-balanced and happy person. 
    Pregnancy is a special, magical time. Isn't it?
    For more Information
    Dr Unnati chavda

    Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    Garbh Sanskar:Plan Your Pregnancy


    A healthy pregnancy begins before you become pregnant. It actually begins long before you even think about motherhood. Take a moment to learn what you can do now to make sure any pregnancies are planned and healthy. All women can benefit from some basic pre-pregnancy planning.

    This is called a GARBH SANSKAR life plan, and it also involves knowing what actions you will take to support your goals. Your personal values and beliefs will help you make your plan.

    Preconception health is a woman's health before she becomes pregnant. It means knowing how health conditions and risk factors could affect a woman or her unborn baby if she becomes pregnant.

    Every woman should be thinking about her health whether or not she is planning pregnancy. One reason is that about half of all pregnancies are not planned.Preconception care can improve your chances of getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy and having a healthy baby.

    Your partner can do a lot to support and encourage you in every aspect of preparing for pregnancy.

    Before you get pregnant ayurveda panchkarma treatment(purification process of your body-which removes any unhealthy conditions developed in your system) helps you detoxify your body, which improves your health condition, chances of conceive baby and natural birth of IT. And during the process of Garbh Sanskar it improves health condition of your baby, physically and mentally. It encompasses everything of caring for your newborn baby.

    Pl Contact us for more details.
    Dr Unnati Chavda.

    Tuesday, April 23, 2013

    Garbh Sanskar:Traditional Mythological Stories

    Traditional Mythological Stories Behind Garbh Sanskar:
    Here are some of the best known
    One of the most famous and well-known tales is that of Abhimanyu from the Mahabharata. When Arjuna's wife was pregnant with their son Abhimanyu, he told her about how to penetrate the Chakravyuh, a particular war formation. When Abhimanyu became a young man and a warrior in the Kurukshetra war, he remembered his father's story. He was able to employ the strategy that he had heard his father tell his mother while he was in her womb.
    The story of Prahlad is from the Puranas. Prahlad was born into a family of demons who were wreaking havoc on the Gods in heaven. His mother listened to devotional prayers and stories about Lord Vishnu while he was in her womb. As a result, he became a devotee of Lord Vishnu. He stood by good and renounced all evil. This led to the downfall of his demon father's evil empire.
    Lord Hanuman
    Lord Hanuman's mother Anjana was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. When she was pregnant she ate a blessed dessert meant to produce divine children. Lord Hanuman was thus born with divine powers. He dedicated his life to fighting evil and was loyal to Ram and Sita.
    Ashtavakra's mother Sujata wanted her son to be the most intelligent sage there ever was. So she would sit in on the classes taught by her father and husband while she was pregnant. In a class taught by her husband, the unborn baby spoke up and corrected his father Kahoda. Kahoda feeling insulted cursed his son to be born deformed. So Astavakra was born physically challenged. But as he had taken part in the classes of his learned father and grandfather while in the womb of his mother, he was a genius. The story goes on to say that because of his intelligence, he was able to fix his physical handicap. So in the end he became a handsome man as well as the most intelligent sage of his time.
    Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar :
    The advantages of garbh sanskar are not only that you educate your child and there is development of a bond between the mother and the child. In fact, this has a great impact on the health of the mother also. The positive thinking and attitude promotes physical well being of the mother.
    For more information :
    Dr Unnati Chavda
    Rajkot (Gujarat-India)

    Garbh Sanskar:Defination


    What is Garbha sanskar?
    Garbha sanskar is a Sanskrit term, which literally means 'education in the womb'. It is traditionally believed that a child's mental and behavioural development starts as soon as he is conceived. His personality begins to take shape in the womb, and this can be influenced by the mother's state of mind during pregnancy. This knowledge can be traced back to ancient scriptures and is included in the Ayurveda.

    According to Garbha sanskar, your baby is able to sense and respond to outside influences like music and other sounds as well as your thoughts and feelings. That is why well-meaning elders in the family, talk about the importance of staying positive and relaxed during pregnancy.
    Discovering that you are about to have a baby is often one of the most joyous times of a woman’s life. It can also be the most nerve racking. You are now responsible for the healthy development of another human life and everything you eat, breathe, and come into contact with for the next nine months can impact that growth and development. Being pregnant is weighty enough as it is without scaring moms to be and throwing a bunch of rules around. Yet the high incidences of autism, asthma, allergies, ADHD, cancer, and so many other childhood illnesses and issues require us to give some thought to raising our children healthy, even before they are born. They get their start in our bellies. Are we giving them the best possible start we can? It is something we all need to think about because our choices impact them greatly and also the planet. Here are a few ways to keep it during pregnancy.One of them is GARBH SANSKAR
    GARBH SANSKAR is all about keeping yourself in a good state emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually for the sake of your growing baby. To do this, ancient scriptures suggest:
    • listening to music
    • thinking positive
    • eating healthily
    • yoga
    • meditation and prayer
    • being creative
    • communicating with your unborn child
    Pl Contact us for more details.

    Dr Unnati Chavda.
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